Here I share challenges and insights from my daily life.

Writing is a way for me to structure my thoughts and reinforce my learnings. Topics include web technologies, best practices, personal projects and whatever else keeps me busy.


AI and the future of product engineering

A glimpse into the future of the AI-enabled product engineer becoming an invaluable asset in more resource-efficient product teams






The last thing you need is a programmer

One of the trickiest challenges that most startups face is validating product/market fit. In this post, I’ll explain why a programmer doesn't necessarily have to be your first hire.


99% of my ideas are rubbish

We have more ideas in our head than we have time in our lives. Most of the ideas, although they may sound exciting and groundbreaking, end up being abandoned.

A simple experiment, a huge impact

One of the best parts of Hanno's team trip was a challenge where two teams competed against each other to build something deceptively simple in twenty minutes


Company blogging for the win

It’s very common for blogging to be neglected carelessly in digital companies. Here’s why it shouldn’t.

If it is broken, why don’t you fix it?

A lot of times I find myself repeating the same thing over and over again. Here's how to eliminate broken workflows while staying mentally focused.

A lazy man's guide to task automation

Ever since the industrial revolution humans have aimed to make their lives more efficient using automation. Today, I'd like to share my 5 favourite automation tools with you.

Alfred workflows to increase your productivity

If you haven't been living under a rock for the last couple of years, you should be aware of the launcher app Alfred and the incredible power it offers to boost your productivity.

The human factor

If you have been working in the IT industry for a while, it is probably not entirely new to you that projects don't always go as expected. Why is that?

The story of The Book Project

Today I'm going to tell you a bit about a side project I've been working on. "The Book Project" is a collaborative storytelling experiment turned into a printed book.

Every developer's most hated discipline

Who doesn't hate browser testing? There are probably few things more disappointing than firing up your website in an environment that is not your own, just to realize that everything gets screwed up.


Making the web work offline first

I guess all of us have been more than once in this situation: While doing something on the internet the 3G status bar on our phone slowly disappears, and we're offline!

Is it better to work at home or at the office?

I have probably spent most of my working hours in one of the following environments : at home, at offices and at co-working places. So which one is the best?

Timeless web development best practices

In today’s world, we are constantly confronted with new and innovative ways to solve problems. Let me share with you which of them I think are timeless.

How to cultivate your ideas

When we have a good idea, we usually would like to start acting on it immediately. In this post, I'm going to share a few strategies to turn them into action.

Why Valencia is an amazing city for start-ups!

I've been living in the Mediterranean city of Valencia for several years now, so let me recap why I think this is a great place for young companies.


Coursera - Gamification course wrap-up

Recently I did a course on Gamification on the highly acclaimed learning platform Coursera. In this post I write about my experience with this topic.

Optimizing productivity with Kanban Flow

During the past month, I have been trying out the productivity tool Kanban Flow to optimize my work speed and focus. Here's what I've learned.